How to check Ncell Number and Ncell Number Owner Name?


Are you a Ncell user and trying to check your mobile number or do you want to know the SIM card owner’s name? There is a very easy process to check the information and find out your Ncell number and registered name.

USSD Option to check

The first and easiest process is to use the USSD process. For this, you have to dial *903# and call. This will show you your Mobile Number, Activation Date, Age of SIM card and Tariff Plan.

To check the owner’s name, you need to dial *9966# and call. This process will show you the registered name and the option to provide whether the displayed name is correct or not.

Official Way of Checking Number and Owner’s name

With Ncell’s official app you can log in to the app and check your name, number, and other account information along with the option to do various transactions.

If you want to download the app you can do so with the link:

With the official app, you can get free 1GB on the first installation and also exclusive offers that are not available on normal USSD.

How to check Ncell Number and Ncell Number Owner Name?
Ncell Official App

Offline app to check Ncell and NTC owner’s name and number

There is an unofficial offline app that works for both Ncell and NTC which basically acts as an easy process to use USSD and SMS. With the Recharge Scanner: Ncell & NTC app you can check your mobile number, owner name check, balance query, and most importantly use the recharge scanner for a quick recharge. The app works for both Ncell and NTC so you can get all services for both Ncell and NTC. You can download the app from the link:

How to check Ncell Number and Ncell Number Owner Name?
Recharge Scanner: Ncell & NTC App

So, there you have all 3 options to check your mobile number and owner’s name.

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